Earthlings: A Film Review

Earthlings, written and directed by Shaun Monson, is a graphic documentary that delves into the world of animal abuse. The documentary, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, uses primarily undercover video footage to expose the extreme cases of mistreatment. The footage speaks for itself in factories, circuses, bull fights, slaughterhouses, and puppy mills. It shows animals receiving electric shock therapy, being skinned alive, and elephants being “motivated” with a hook. If you’re not already an animal rights activist, this film might turn you into one.

I’m not interested in throwing around clichés like “meat is murder” because frankly, I think those protests have the tendency to shut people down immediately. However, I will say that this documentary truly reawakened my views on animal welfare. I couldn’t help being moved by the horrifying video clips in this movie and I want to take some action.

I decided at the beginning of this blog that I wouldn’t post videos of animals being slaughtered. There’s not really a specific reason, but I would rather this be a positive blog than a bloody, gory mess of a page. With that being said, I can’t actually show you guys this interview without a little bit of footage of animals being abused. I think this is an incredible interview and I love the director’s passion. Below is the interview about the making of the documentary and a little bit on his personal views  about being vegan.

I would definitely recommend this documentary to anyone who wants to learn more about veganism. I tend to focus on the dietary and environmental aspects of it, but if you want a glimpse into the ethical sector of veganism this is the perfect documentary for you. The images are haunting and will probably stick with you, like they did with me, for weeks after. (I found them more appalling than those terrible Sarah McLachlan commercials. At the first sound of “In the arms of an angel” that TV is off.) I hope you watch the film or at least read about the various aspects addressed within because it is so informative and intelligently done. Bring the tissues!