On the Menu

I have a confession to make. I am one of those people who types “easy” whenever I’m researching anything that has to do with baking or making things. For example, “easy vegan apple pie”, “easy guitar song”, “easy way to make a house out of toothpicks”, etc. I feel like such an apathetic young person when I do that, but I can’t change my ways. Also, I tend to lean towards recipes that have less than five ingredients, or at least I used to, until I realized that nothing with flavor can ever be made without a minimum or ten ingredients. I’m pretty sure it was my best friend telling me that I was the worst representation of a vegan in the whole world that broke that camels back. This whole expansion of my culinary experience has made me a little depressed.

And while I’m on this confession role I might as well confess that my brother never cut my bangs in second grade, I hate Vampire Weekend (I know, I know. What indie chick doesn’t love this band? I just feel like my catholic grandfather makes more pleasing noises when he is falling down the stairs. That’s all), and that I’ve kind of been stealing Granny Smith apples from my cafeteria for a whole week just to make this recipe. I’ve stolen so many apples that a woman who works there now refers to me as “Apple Girl”. I’m actually okay with this because before, my nickname was “Baby” and nothing repulses me more than being called baby.

With that being said, I love this recipe. I mean, I risked being thrown out of school just to bring it to you. (Okay, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but I risked being admonished by the terrifying cashier woman in my school’s cafeteria. I think I would rather get kicked out of school than have to experience that, if I’m honest.) I have made this about thirty-seven times because there is nothing that I love more that a hot apple pie. It’s easy, obviously, and it has under fifteen steps. You can all start breathing that sigh of relief now. I got this recipe from food.com… and by typing in “easy vegan apple pie recipe”. JUDGE ME LATER!

Vegan Apple Pie

  • 6 large apples, peeled,cored,and sliced (peeling is optional)
  • 1/2 cup raisins (optional)
  • 3/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1 -2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch or 2 1/2 tablespoons arrowroot
  • 1 pie crust
  • 1 -2 tablespoon whole wheat flour

I usually use an extra apple just to make myself feel better about eating half the pie in one sitting, but that’s just me. I also add an extra teaspoon of cinnamon because I snort it in my spare time. These are just suggestions, though.

1. Preheat oven to 350.

2. Prepare apples.

3. Boil water in a large pot and add apples and raisins.

4. Turn down heat to medium and simmer apples and raisins for 10 minutes or until soft.

5. Save 1/4 cup of water used for cooking apples for later use.

6. Drain apples and place in large bowl.

7. Mix apples with maple syrup, cinnamon, and lemon juice.

8. Set aside.

9. In a saucepan, add “applewater” and corn starch.

10. Stir continuously until mixture is thick, then add to apple mix.

11. Lastly, add whole wheat flour to mixture.

12. Stir well and carefully.

13. Pour final mixture into the pie crust and bake on 350 for 30 minutes, or until brown.

There are only 386 calories in one slice so feel free to eat the whole pie and nothing else for the rest of the day. You will only blame the bloating on yourself. Also, I made this recipe on Christmas and my father’s entire family, who are the farthest things from vegan that you will ever meet, loved it! I may have neglected to tell them that it was vegan, but still… If they found out they probably would have muttered something along the lines of, “Goddamn liberal rubbish, hippie scum, tree-huggin’, granola munchin’, acorn crackin’….” I did them a favor not mentioning it. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it!